How To Troubleshoot Issues With Your Plotter Printer

Plotter printers can provide years of faithful service, but like any device, they can occasionally be fussy. However, most common plotter printer problems are easy to fix with a little know-how and basic maintenance. Here’s how to troubleshoot issues with your plotter printer.

Consider the Resolution

If prints are coming out looking murky and low res, check the settings. As prints get larger, they require higher resolutions. Otherwise, they’ll appear blurry. If the resolution for the image is at the proper setting, it might be a matter of adjusting your printer’s resolution. Check the settings and change them as necessary. If all the settings are ideal, it might be a more physical problem with the cartridges. Make sure they’re in place and connected to the printer. Perform a printer head or nozzle cleaning cycle. Learn how to spot the signs of an inkjet printer clog so you can avoid the problem in the future.

Check That It Has Power

This one might be a little embarrassing, but the biggest cause of a printer not printing is the fact that it’s not turned on. If you send your document to print and nothing happens, check to see if the power switch is in the “on” position. If it is, check the power cord next. Does it have a secure connection between the device and the wall outlet? Look for damage to the cord as well but take care and unplug it before you search for rips, loose wires, and other wear and tear. If the printer is still idle, there might be a problem with the outlet itself. Try plugging another device into the outlet and see if it works and test the printer using another outlet. If you have an outlet issue, you’ll need to call an electrician.

Resolve Jams

Paper jams are hard to miss. When the printer jams up, you’ll hear the paper getting caught and tangled up in the rollers. If the printer refuses to go, pop open the cabinet and access panels to see if the paper, film, or other material is stuck. Carefully remove it, then check the paper tray to see if the paper has damaged the device or is sticking together. Replace the paper, if necessary, then close the device and restart the printer. Resend the document to see if everything is back to normal. If not, there could be another problem.

Ensure Proper Device Communication

Sometimes a printer won’t work because it’s not in touch with your computer or system. Make sure it’s using the most current software and update it if it isn’t. Outdated software can interrupt the dialogue between your computer and printer. Restart the printer and computer, then resend the document once everything is back up. Naturally, you should make sure that you’ve connected your computer and printer. Lost internet connections, loose wires, and the like keep them from seeing one another. Make sure your network settings are current as well. If you still have an old printer that you no longer use on the system, eliminate all traces of it. It might be confusing your computer.

That’s how to troubleshoot issues with your plotter printer. Good luck, and happy printing!

By Casey Cartwright

Casey is a passionate copyeditor highly motivated to provide compelling SEO content in the digital marketing space. Her expertise includes a vast range of industries from highly technical, consumer, and lifestyle-based, with an emphasis on attention to detail and readability.