5 Red Flags That Your Car Needs a New Air Filter

You probably like to enjoy a smooth, efficient ride whenever you drive your car. How well you care for your vehicle’s air filter can affect that performance. Dirt, dust, and debris can obstruct the filter and affect the quality of your drive. Fortunately, you can take better care by learning the five red flags that your car needs a new air filter.

You’re Not Getting the Same Fuel Efficiency

One sign that your air filter needs changing is a noticeable drop in fuel efficiency. When the air filter clogs, the engine struggles to get the air it needs, resulting in reduced fuel economy. This may lead to an increase in visits to the gas pump. As you know, that’s expensive, so making regular air filter changes is an important thing to expect when maintaining a car.

The Filter Looks Dirty

While this may seem obvious, many car owners overlook the need to inspect their air filters visually. A clean filter should be white or off-white, but a dirty one will appear dark and clogged with particles. Regularly checking the filter and comparing its cleanliness can help determine if it needs replacing.

The Check Engine Light Appears

Another red flag that your car needs a new air filter is when the check engine light appears. This happens because the engine isn’t receiving enough air, leading to increased emissions and potential misfires. If your engine light comes on, and you’ve ruled out other common issues, inspect the air filter to see if it needs replacing.

You Can Smell Gasoline

If you notice the smell of gasoline when starting your car, it could indicate a problem with the air filter. Since not as much air is getting to the engine, your car isn’t burning as much fuel as normal. This imbalance can result in unburned fuel leaving the engine and producing a gasoline odor.

The Engine Doesn’t Sound Right

Your engine’s sound can tell you a lot about its condition. If your engine makes popping or sputtering noises, your air filter might be dirty.

When the engine doesn’t get enough clean air, it struggles to operate smoothly, leading to these abnormal sounds. Replacing the air filter can improve the engine’s performance and restore its normal sound.

Watching out for these signs can help you ensure your engine runs efficiently. Don’t neglect this small yet vital component of your car’s maintenance routine.

By Casey Cartwright

Casey is a passionate copyeditor highly motivated to provide compelling SEO content in the digital marketing space. Her expertise includes a vast range of industries from highly technical, consumer, and lifestyle-based, with an emphasis on attention to detail and readability.