Tag: vector database

Neo4j brings vectors to graph database

The addition of vectors provides context to the graph database for enhanced search and supports generative AI and large language models.

Redis scales vector data, improves data integration capabilities

Redis is introducing a 'unified release' to make products easier for users to adopt and effectively use and manage their data.

Got vulns? vuln_GPT debuts as AI-powered approach to find and remediate software vulnerabilities

The new vuln_GPT from Vicarius is a LLM designed to find and create scripts for vulnerability management and remediation via simple queries.

Stanford study challenges assumptions about language models: Larger context doesn’t mean better understanding 

The research affirms that large language models are best used to generate content, and search engines are best at curating content.

DataStax brings vector database search to multicloud with Astra DB

Astra DB vector support further extends DataStax's AI/ML capabilities, helping make generative AI a reality for enterprise users.