Tag: Hashpower

Current Block Times Suggest Bitcoin’s Halving Is Coming Sooner Than Expected

Bitcoin’s hashrate has been running hot despite the lower prices and the recent difficulty increases. In fact, blocks are being discovered faster than the ten-minute block interval average and because…

While Bitcoin’s Hashrate Grew by 22,900% in 6 Years, Discovering Block Rewards Is Far More Difficult

Over the past 12 months, Bitcoin’s hashrate has increased by 85.77%, while 53,547 blocks were mined and 334,668.75 new bitcoin were minted into circulation. More than two dozen bitcoin mining…

4 Crypto Tokens Reap Hashpower From The Merge, ETC Secures Most of the Hashrate Leaving ETH

20 days ago, a poll was shared on Twitter asking miners where they planned to dedicate their hashrate, after The Merge transitions Ethereum into a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain. The proof-of-work…